Dispute Resolution Policy
We understand how important it is to protect your personal information. This policy defines our commitment in respect of personal information we hold about you and what we do with that information.
- Pre-dispute Communication: Encourage parties to communicate and try to resolve the dispute amicably before escalation. If the matter relates to a payment or reimbursement of fees, the undisputed amount should be paid or reimbursed.
- Written Complaint: If pre-dispute communications are unsuccessful, parties may submit a written complaint to email address as outlined within the agreement or as updated from time-to-time. The complaint should include a detailed explanation of the dispute and relevant evidence.
- Mediation: Encourage parties to participate in a neutral, third-party facilitated mediation process to resolve the dispute. Mediation can be performed by a professional mediator, or a senior executive from the company. Mediation assistance may be requested from the Victorian Small Business Commission (https://www.vsbc.vic.gov.au/application-forms/)
- Letter of Demand: If discussions are unsuccessful, write a formal letter of demand to the contact details of the other party within the agreement.
- Escalation to Court: If either party is unsatisfied with the decision, they may escalate the dispute to court. The resolution process should not prevent parties from exercising their legal rights to pursue their claims in court.
- Confidentiality: The dispute resolution process should be confidential, and all parties should agree to keep the information and outcome of the process confidential, unless required by law.
Change in our Dispute Resolution policy
We reserve the right to make amendments to this Privacy Policy at any time.
Further information
We welcome your comments regarding this Policy. If you have any questions about this Policy and would like further information, please contact us by any of the following means during business hours Monday to Friday.
E-mail: team@nimoindustries.com
Phone: 1300 81 82 80
Post: Attn:
Nimo Industries Pty Ltd
Suite 103 / 72 York St,
South Melbourne VIC 3205
E-mail: team@nimoindustries.com